Thursday, September 25, 2014

Meet Doña Paulina!

     I would like to take the time to introduce everyone to a family who means a lot to me.  Meet Doña Paulina!  She is one of the sweetest women I know and recently I was able to get to know her better.  Her family have been long time friends to the SLMs here in Okinawa.  Her and her daughter Yina were some of the first people I met when I arrived to Okinawa.  Her husband is sick and can't work, so the SLMs have helped her out for years by paying her to wash some laundry once a week.  She usually comes on Monday morning, so I usually wake up to tutor one of our pre-kindergartners in English and then return home to keep her company as she is finishing up the laundry.  It was during one of these conversations that I learned she used to make hammocks, so I asked her if she would have time to make one for me before I head home.  She said yes, and when I asked if I could come over to help her, she eagerly agreed!
     I started going over to her house a few afternoons a week when I don't have class.  I learned that her grandma was the one who first knew how to make hammocks and she passed it down to Doña Paulina's mom, who passed it down to her.  She then told me that none of her daughters like to do things like weave, knit, or crochet so she had no one to pass her knowledge onto.  After hearing this, I felt incredibly special that this woman would invite me to her house and teach me a trade that has been passed down through her family.  She gave me an incredible gift, one that isn't wrapped but that I can carry with me in my heart the rest of my life.  Throughout the hammock-making process I have shared stories, laughter, knowledge, meals, fruit, and soda with this family, and I am blessed to have been given to opportunity to get to know this family better.  I hope everyone enjoys the pictures.
The beginning, weaving the
string together.
Almost done.  Doña Paulina is tying the tassels on the
other side.

Working on the ends of the hammock.

Twisting the string together
to make a
strong rope for the ends.
The finished hammock.  Perfect for one person. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Celebrating A Year!

At a birthday dinner for Doña Paulina.
     It's hard to believe but a year ago today I stepped off of the plane and saw, for the first time, what would become my home.  My journey in Bolivia has been an incredible one, full of laughter, friends, playing, birthday parties, dancing, celebrations, smiles, hugs, and unconditional love.  There also have been a lot of challenges, however sitting where I am today would I do it all over again?  The answer is simple.  Absolutely!  I never expected Okinawa to become my home, complete with mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and brothers.  The community of Okinawa has gone above and beyond to make us feel like we are family.  Like we are home.
     Our mission as SLMs is one of presence.  Being present can take a few different forms for us here in Okinawa.  Yes, it means teaching our classes and playing with the kids at recess, but it also means being present in the community outside of school.  St. Don Bosco was first and foremost a friend to the youth.  I learned most recently how much that friendship can mean.  Sometimes all someone needs is a friend, sharing their time, their recipes, and giving much needed encouragement.  I know that when I leave in a few months, a part of my heart will always be here in Okinawa with the people I have come to love over the year.